
Frederick Lee
6 min readOct 25, 2020

The mind is a beautiful thing

Together, our minds form our universe. Our world. Our perceptions. The cages, boundaries, limits, and possibilities.

A large part of it exists only in our minds.

The truth is the only way out, is empirical in nature. You need to scientifically test, improve, modify and push the boundaries.

A majority of what we have learnt, and for good reason — is explained through analogy. We live in a world, built, forged and defined by analogy.

That is why there still is room for innovation.

Innovation is first and foremost an exercise in paradigm development. We first see, envision and test before we execute, and consequently evolve.

As a species, the human race has the strongest ability to consciously bring about evolution across time and space, and control randomness as it is.

That being said, it is a terrible tragedy to see beings suffer needlessly in this world. We are living in the best of times, and we are living in the worst of times.

The world is a complex cacophony of choices, perspectives and actions, all which push and echo across time and space, leading us to either as a whole suffer or get better, live better.

Many have wondered what the meaning of life is, what their specific mission in life should be.

I have found for me that whatever I do, I would want to help push the boundaries of the human race forward, so that future generations can grow, suffer less, or at least, suffer for greater, nobler, more beneficial outcomes.

In corollary to this I am also of the belief that humanity as a whole should also evolve, and each person seek to make the world a better place the best way they can.

We live in ambiguity — there will always be a shadow behind the light, and a light that casts every shadow. We are always as a collective consciousness struggling with both our light and our darkness. Oftentimes vacillating between one and the other.

I have, in my younger days, and in many ways now, been seeking guidance and coaching for myself. I have always known that blind spots are inherent in the human psyche, that in any field of excellence, one cannot ever fully trust one’s own psyche for it is tragically and necessarily biased.

Which is why to anchor my own ontological position, I have sought mentors and coaches in the most ambiguous field of them all.

Business and Entrepreneurship. For which there are infinite paths, possibilities, and change is a definite constant.

The starting of a business is infinitely complex, and starting one that focuses on innovation is worse — luck becomes a major factor for the success of any endeavor and the tides of the day dictate your success and failure.

This path led me to realize that at the end of it all, I had to choose a field. What field would I choose? How should I approach it? In the course of starting a previous company, I spent time amateurly studying the development of the human mind. Because if I were to focus my efforts on the development of a field, I would choose the most meta-beneficial field.

The human mind itself.

A truly fascinating subject.

Except, I was derailed, and got distracted by other more “commercially viable” projects. Things that people wanted — we were canvassed by 3 different parties who wanted to give us funding at one point.

But my mind always wandered back to the inherent way we learn, grow and excel today.

Something I call the Runaway Mind.

Our motivations are a mix of society, compensations and environment. All of which exert a different force on us at different stages of our motivational process.

Society dictates our acceptable directions and conventions from a macro to micro, consciously — we often know what is acceptable, what isn’t and force ourselves to behave a certain way. It also provides a possibility floor/ceiling for us (4 minute mile anybody?)

Compensations tend to be unconscious, deeply rooted, highly individual, and tend to have to do with traumas related to our upbringing. Our weak parents lead us to compensate by being stronger, too strong. Too brash, making decisions that were not right for us at a given time. These chips on our shoulders compel us powerfully, and almost unconsciously in tangent directions. Many have achieved great success, but it is also responsible for catastrophic failures.

Environment affects us on a very microscopic level. Where the energy of a space, the relative competitive and dominance hierarchy, pulls us out and into a different state. In fact, it can be the most consistent and powerful state controller we have. Which is why people pay good money for gym coaches, instructors and etc. And also is why the brazilians are amazing at soccer, and top coders like to hang with each other. Because the environment allows us to lose ourselves for a while, and follow a mind-field of sorts, day in, day out.

All of these three are controllable by our Higher mind:

Compensations can be used to channel energies and/or be worked through in psychotherapy to free up energies, and also point to fundamental human suffering modalities that can inspire us to make a stand for. In our suffering we find the empathy for the rest of humanity.

Society can act as mirrors and force multipliers. Where we see if we are correct against the masses, and/or when they too see the light, will laud us and imbue us with an energy like no other.

Environment is directly controllable by us, and is the easiest of all three to harness. Change your environment, and change your life. Change your expectations, your conditioned behaviours, your habits, your points of view. We are social creatures and grow through mimicry — we take parts of our environment and bring them into ourselves, really. Parents got it right when they try to force their children to go to top schools at a young age. It makes a drastic difference.

What does this mean for me? Why am I writing this?

Because to allow for, and support the development of the mind and competence we have to flip these three switches, and redefine them in the minds of people.

Simply put — if we change these things, we change lives. If we teach people to change these things, we teach them to change their lives themselves across all areas of their world.

I say this understanding that time is running short. Life is not very long, it passes by quickly. Especially if we make choices out of fear and ignorance. Tragedies of our lives.

These are decidedly first world problems — How can I get great at something? How am I so screwed up? How can I be more efficient? Am I wasting my time?

Well, we are blessed to be able to consider these issues. Afterall, in Iran somebody’s parents just died, and they just lost both their limbs, with nobody to take care of them. Somebody in Africa has cancer and does not know it. Somebody in China is breathing in toxic waste for $2 an hour and will die in 4 years…

I don’t have all the solutions to the world’s problems. I don’t. All I have is hope that one day I can contribute my little bit to humanity’s progress.


I want to contribute to the world. I want to do it gently, positively, powerfully with like minded teammates. I admit, I see myself as the visionary — because well, it’s my vision. Meaning, I can see the outcome and know what is needed to be done to get there.

For those of you who know me, you know I have always, since 2016 spoken of an idea called MindFox.

There were times I thought of not working on it. Times where I was distracted. But I cannot ignore the call. It is too strong. It still rings true deep within my heart and I know this is one of the potential gifts I could potentially bring to this world.

To accelerate humanity’s development is to lengthen time itself. It has the same effect — you get more done in the end. You either lengthen the productive timeline of a person, or you increase and enhance efficiency. Well, I am no doctor, and the human biology is infinitely complex, and changing it is dangerous work.

The realm of the mind is ripe for opportunities. Discoveries and practices of psychology are not implemented for many. All of them lost, and relegated to the realm of academia.

What a waste. What if we could create an environment that supported, sustained and pushed the levers that move us in a productive manner? What if we were pushed forwards, automatically? Incentivised? Rewarded?

Learning made efficient. Made ready for the 21st Century?

Learning worthy of our splendor and glory?

Learning that honors humanity.

I must do this. Soon.

